6 Keys to a successful marriage - GREAT ACHIEVER MAGAZINE


Friday, December 7, 2018

6 Keys to a successful marriage

1 Communicate

Aside from opposable thumbs, advanced communication is a critical component of the human species that has allowed us to advance over time. 

Without effective communication, wars are waged, walls are built, and relationships crumble.

The same can be said of marriage. If you aren’t effectively communicating with your partner — how you feel, if you need more sleep, when you need a date night — the basics of human interaction can fall apart and leave you feeling isolated, alone, and on the road to nowhere. 

But if you learn to talk to your partner, and listen in return, your goals and dreams will remain aligned and the “growing apart” that some couples experience will likely not happen.

2 Laugh always

Go ahead, fart in bed. Got kids? Put a stuffed animal or action figure in your spouses’ side of the bed as a surprise. (It’s gotta be under the covers to work effectively. Trust me, it’s hilarious.)

Always make each other laugh. It releases stress and it’s just straight up fun. 

Don’t ever take anything too seriously. Smiles and laughter make the world go ’round. Plus, laughing and smiling releases endorphins — you know, the feel good chemical? Yes.

3 Marry your friend

If you don’t know the person before getting married, how is it possible to forge ahead with similar life goals and aspirations? It’s probably not, right? 

Sure, it works for some people. But in this day and age, it’s easier to get to know someone before taking the plunge than it was during the Baby Boom (and prior) generation.

4 Respect one another

Along with communicating and marrying your friend is knowing when to let your better half be. 

If I’m having a bad day, I might shy away from my husband’s kiss when he returns home from work. 

It’s not that I don’t love him and it’s not that I’m mad at him. It’s that I just need to be

He knows that about me and I’m sure the rejection stings, but he knows I’ll get out of the funk shortly and he lets it go. 

He respects my right to be grumpy. Likewise, when I can see him brewing with irritation, stress, or anger, I let him be. Because we all need that time sometimes — and it’s normal. 

Even if you don’t necessarily understand the other person — their emotions, their position in the argument, etc. — mutual respect is of the utmost importance.

5 Don’t go to bed angry

Some couples can do the “go to bed mad” thing. We cannot. Well, I cannot. Maybe he can. 

But if I’m stewing about something, I won’t sleep. It’s ineffective for us as a couple to attempt to go to bed angry. 

Luckily most of our fights happen during daylight hours but when we were first dating our fights happened at night. It was not awesome, let me tell you.

6 Check your ego at the door

In marriage, you’re not allowed to have an ego. You’re a team. 

If there’s an ego, it’s a collective ego and you get to share it. 

One person is not better than the other. Work together, listen to each other, and when things get tough (and they will), remember why you married each other in the first place.

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