Abiodun won’t be autocratic like Amosun – Dr. Majekodunmi - GREAT ACHIEVER MAGAZINE


Thursday, June 20, 2019

Abiodun won’t be autocratic like Amosun – Dr. Majekodunmi

Dr. Femi Majekodunmi is a chieftain of All Progressives Congress (APC). In this interview, he speaks on the 2019 general elections and the emergence of Prince Dapo Abiodun as the governor of Ogun State.

Dr. Femi Majekodunmi
Give us your assessment of the 2019 general elections in Nigeria

For some time before the election, many of us had predicted what would eventually be the situation, that is, those that would eventually win.  Specifically, some of us, and I in particular, was very sure that Buhari would win. 

Buhari had his problems and antagonists which are many, but one thing you can’t take away from him is the love people have for him, which is all over.  There is a kind of aura that surrounds him which makes people love him probably because of his anti corruption stance. But the fact remains that, he is quiet, strict and an amiable leader.

It is true that he was not well for some time, and there are many problems still unsolved in Nigeria, but for one reason or the other the people still want him to continue, and I am one of them. Changing government unnecessarily for not too well grounded reason is not good for Nigeria. Let him serve another term of four years so that he can improve on his first term.

Some people are still complaining that the economic situation in the country is bad. Would you say his reelection was due to his performance in office?

His reelection is partly due to his performance, but you don’t expect at this time that anybody that will be ruling Nigeria will be perfect. I’m not saying Buhari is perfect, but he has not done too badly to the extent of not allowing him to continue for the second term. Many people feel that way, and that is one of the reasons why he succeeded in defeating his opponent.

Looking at the conduct of the election, how would you rate the conduct of Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)?

Again, one certain thing is that Nigeria is a complex country. No matter what, there will always be skirmishes here and there, and that is what we had. I won’t say the election was perfect, but it was okay, considering our system and expectations. In any election in this country, there will be accusation of rigging whether true or false. There will be problem here and there, some people will be injured, some will carry ballot boxes, there will be attempt to rig, and these cover all political parties.

The opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and its presidential candidate, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar have rejected the outcome of the presidential election and headed for the tribunal. What is your comment on the rejection of the results?

Nigeria is a place where whoever loses election never accepts he has lost in a fair and peaceful election. Whoever loses believes that he is rigged out, and will always complain. He will always want something to be done by either the party or the court.

No doubt, Buhari has defeated Atiku, and it is not easy to defeat someone with over 3 million votes. With that I can’t see anything the court would do. Though I’m not a judge and I can’t pre-empt what the court would do, but people know that it will be a futile exercise at the end of the day for Atiku going to the court.

So, there is no justification for Atiku to go to court

May be for his ego, to feel as if he was rigged out of the election. It is normal for any Nigerian to go to court, but I don’t see him getting anything from the court. He will only gather lawyers, spend more money and many people will make money out of it. But at the end of the day, I don’t see him coming near winning in the court.

Gov. Dapo Abiodun
In Ogun State, Prince Dapo Abiodun of the All Progressives Congress (APC) won the governorship election against all odds and the wishes of Governor Ibikunle Amosun. How would you describe the victory of Prince Dapo Abiodun?

Let me say that all of us, that is, myself, Amosun, Dapo Abiodun, Chief Osoba and many other leaders are all together in APC. Problem started when Amosun arranged his own primaries to the disapproval of members, and the controversies and problems raged on. At the end of the day, Dapo Abiodun was confirmed as the candidate. I personally appealed to Amosun to work hard to restore his mandate if possible. But if by December 2, 2018, he couldn’t, he should respect the party’s decision that confirmed Dapo Abiodun as the party’s candidate. But fighting it beyond that date would lead to destroying many things he had built in Ogun State. 

Let’s face it; Amosun did well in his eight years. He is seen by many including me as the architect of modern Ogun State, if only in the development of roads and few other areas. But to continue to fight and disagree with the party, insisting on going to anti party activities, is taking it too far. Worse still, he started another party and got people into the party including his governorship candidate.

Some of us knew he would not succeed because nobody succeeds in situation like that. We predicted what happened to Amosun and it came to pass.

As it is today, is Amosun still a force to reckon with in APC?

I believe in reconciliation. No matter how bad the situation is, the best thing is to reconcile.  Amosun is still in APC and all of us are in APC, though it is true that he has been suspended. But I don’t think anybody would want to remove him as member. I believe he loves APC and he wouldn’t want to leave the party.

At the end of the day there will be reconciliation, provided he has learnt his lessons and he is ready to cooperate because there were moves to reconcile Amosun and Dapo Abiodun long before the election, but he refused. 

Dapo Abiodun cooperated and was more interested in reconciliation. He was ready to give whatever Amosun wanted provided it was something within his power, but Amosun was never ready to consider that gesture from Dapo Abiodun.

As a close ally of Dapo Abiodun, tell us the kind of person he is

Dapo Abiodun is like a younger brother to me. We’ve been together for quite some time. He is a straight forward person, firm and someone who is serious minded in whatever he does. I have no doubt that he will be a good governor. He is a team player who will carry everybody along, and will not do anything that will tarnish his image. He is a very responsible gentleman, and someone I can vouch for any day.

What should the people of the state expect from his administration?

As a team player, Dapo Abiodun is very passionate about the development of Ogun State. The state is going to witness a better form of development under his leadership, because development will spread round the state unlike Amosun’s administration that was accused of concentrating development in an area. Dapo Abiodun will do better than that, and I have no doubt in my mind that he will continue from where Amosun stopped.

Ogun State is very lucky to have Dapo Abiodun at this time because he is versatile, brilliant, serious minded, very responsible and would do justice to all the assignments ahead of him.

What do you think Dapo Abiodun would do differently as governor compared to Governor Amosun?

Expect better spread of development al projects from Governor Dapo Abiodun than Amosun provided there is enough fund. Like I said, he will be a team player unlike Amosun who is not. He will not be as autocratic as Amosun. I won’t blame Amosun for anything because that was the way he could manage the state, and that was part of the problems people saw in him, but I can assure you that Dapo Abiodun will do better.

If you have the opportunity of giving Dapo Abiodun one advice, what would it be?

I will advise him to see his election as God made, and continue to thank God throughout his tenure. By thanking God, he must be Godly, continue to be a team player, carry people along at all times. He should continue to be passionate as far as the development of the state is concerned, while ensuring that developmental projects are evenly spread across the state.

He should remember the hapless people of the state, such as those whose houses were demolished without compensation, who really suffered under Amosun.

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