Management of Ogun State Parks and Garages remains committed to development of the State - Prince Sesan Asenuga, GM, PAGADA - GREAT ACHIEVER MAGAZINE


Monday, February 15, 2021

Management of Ogun State Parks and Garages remains committed to development of the State - Prince Sesan Asenuga, GM, PAGADA

Prince Sesan Asenuga

The General Manager/CEO of Ogun State Parks and Garages Development Agency ( PAGADA), Prince Sesan Asenuga, has expressed surprise at a purported statement credited to the Chairman of the Board of the Agency, Barrister 'Wale Habeeb Ajayi, that all contracts, agreements and Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Agency with the revenue contractors have been revoked.

Great Achiever Magazine reports that Prince Asenuga, in a press release today  in Abeokuta, said such a rancorous statement could not have emanated from the Chairman of the Agency, considering the smooth working relationship between the board and the management.  

The General Manager/ CEO further confirmed that the board since its inauguration has been enjoying good communication with the management.

Asenuga submitted that ordinarily, the Chairman of the Board has no such power of revocation of contract based on the laid down rules/ guidelines put in place for all Non- Statutory Boards like the Parks and Garages Development Agency. 

He recalled that the state government organised a workshop for all political appointees late last year where it was expressly stated without any ambiguity that Non-Statutory Boards are not entitled to a personalised letter-head; make policy statements; perform core assignments; and cannot grant public interviews or make presentation.

Asenuga disclosed that the above stated rules and guidelines therefore call into question the source from which the Board Chairman derives the power to issue the revocation statement credited to him, which was published in a national daily (The Nation of 13th February, 2021 edition) and several online media. 

He said it would be a flagrant disobedience to the rules and guidelines issued by the state government for political office holders, and Hon Habeeb Ajayi, being a lawyer will not do it.

Prince Asenuga said he was shocked to have read that the board had nine (9) statutory meetings within two months of its inauguration on 17th November, 2020, when statutory meetings are to be held quarterly.   


The General Manager/CEO said he has been occupied with series of assignments towards restructuring and repositioning the Agency to meet its annual revenue target.

As the Accounting and Chief Executive Officer, "I have many tasks to contend with rather than engaging in unnecessary side talks that are tailored to distract the management or portray me as being unfit", Asenuga said.

According to Asenuga, it is  worrying that unverified sources were quoted to have reported that the Board Chairman directed members of National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) to begin operation a fortnight ago despite the state government's position on the issue, to which the Chairman quickly made a rejoinder. 

"It is obvious that some faceless people are bent on causing disaffection and unnecessary political tension between the Chairman and the General Manager / CEO", he added.

The release further disclosed that the Prince Sesan Asenuga led management of the Agency has recorded several successes since coming into office in October, 2020, part of which is the introduction of upfront payment by any engaged agents which has yielded positive results. Again, the current management  dissolved all the self- appointed revenue agents operating on its behalf, and made courtesy visits to all heads of security agencies in the state to solicit for their cooperation to get rid of these illegal agents.

Remarkably, Prince Asenuga said the Ogere Trailer Park which had hitherto been performing below expectation is now recording huge remittances into the government coffers, which is unprecedented.

The General Manager/CEO therefore advised all engaged agents to go about their respective assignments peacefully and ensure adherence to the condition of their engagement.

Asenuga maintained that he would not relent in ensuring that those who genuinely wish to assist the Agency in its quest to shore up the revenue base are given the opportunity, but must be ready to make upfront payment into the government coffers before engagement.

He concluded that despite activities of the detractors using different means to destabilize the set goals of the Agency in its revenue drive , the management of the Agency would not be deterred in ensuring that due diligence, accountability and sanity is sustained, as the Agency continues with its turnaround programme.

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