Why women wear waist beads - GREAT ACHIEVER MAGAZINE


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Why women wear waist beads

Waist Bead is a Traditional African fashion accessory that is usually made of small beads on a string and worn around the waist or hips.

 Waist Beads usually come in different colours, shapes and sizes and some of them also contain charms and crystals.

In Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, and other West African countries, waist beads are symbols of fertility, sensuality, Feminity and spiritual well-being.

Wearing waist beads is a fashionable accessory as it was in the past. The difference is that nowadays, it has been incorporated to different styles and modes fashion that even ladies who do not know about the traditional aspect of wearing them are doing so, all in the name of fashion.

Women should not be deceived into thinking that only slim women can wear waist beads because African waist beads are worn beautifully by women of all shapes, ages, and sizes.

Waist beads can be used to shape the waist like many Ghanaian women do.

Waist beads can be worn on babies during naming ceremony to accentuate their waistlines and hips as they grow.

Waist beads can be used as a weight measure; when gaining weight, the belt of the beads climb up and when you lose weight, it falls elegantly on the hips.

Waist beads can help one to become more aware of one's stomach and posture. The beads fit quite differently depending on how one is sitting. They can serve as a reminder to sit up straight, engage your stomach muscles, relax your back and breath properly.

Waist beads can be used as a body/hips shaper. It is said that waist beads can shape your body and keep the waist small and hips accentuated. It was and still used as a measurement tool. The beads do not stretch and so, if when the waist beads are tight, it is a sign that you have gained some weight and vice versa.

Waist beads can be used as waist trainers because beads on waist acts as a good substitute to the waist trainer. They help women who are not comfortable with large waists to control the growth of their different waists.

Waist beads can be used for weight loss: Are you tired of wearing waist trainers? If yes, buy waist beads and see how they will help you to shrink your waist and also help you to watch your weight.

Whenever you added some weight, the beads will be climbing and resting on your stomach but once it sits on your hips, it means that you didn' t add any weight.

Waist beads have come to stay. Though some people wear waist beads against evil eyes and negative energy (most waist beads that contain chakras and crystals are used for this), while others wear it as a fashion accessory.

Everyone can wear waist beads, both celebrities and non-celebrities.

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