Russia-Ukraine War: Can Vladimir Putin be overthrown? - GREAT ACHIEVER MAGAZINE


Monday, February 28, 2022

Russia-Ukraine War: Can Vladimir Putin be overthrown?

Vladimir Putin

It appears we are heading back to the 70s, 80s when there was fierce supremacy battle between America and Russia.

The cold war between America and Russia were not always fought in their respective backyards, but rather far away in foreign lands where their military might and particularly new weapons were deployed and tested.

Russia has always been excited to deploy their nuclear weapons at any slightest opportunity, and this current ongoing war against Ukraine would not be an exception.

What needs to be done now is to permanently tame the warmonger, Vladimir Putin, as it is presently being demonstrated by the various sanctions being imposed on him by allied forces.

The time to rescue the world from the hands of Putin who is pushing for a needless world war is now.

The sovereignty of Ukraine should remain non negotiable and must be protected at all costs.

Who says Putin cannot be overthrown with the combined efforts of allied forces, if that is the last resort of efforts that can guarantee world peace.

Written by Yomi Ogunsanu.

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