Army Court Martial sentences Major General to 7 years in prison for stealing - GREAT ACHIEVER MAGAZINE


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Army Court Martial sentences Major General to 7 years in prison for stealing


Maj. Gen. Umar Mohammed on wheel chair 

A Nigerian Army Special Court-martial sitting in Abuja has sentenced Major General Umar Mohammed to 7 years in prison, for stealing funds belonging to the Army

The former Group Managing Director, Nigerian Army Properties Limited, was also sentenced to 5 years and 2 years on some counts in the 18-count charge bordering on forgery, misappropriation of funds, conspiracy among others, which would run concurrently.

The eight-man panel of the court led by Major General James Myam,who held that the convicted senior military officer was found guilty in 14 count out of 18 count charge, also ordered that Mohammed refund $2.178,900 million dollars, and 1.65Billion Naira into the account of NAPL.

Mohammed who had been in the detention facility of the Nigerian Army at Mogadishu cantonment, Abuja where he spent over 2 years, had earlier pleaded not guilty to all the charges preferred against him.

Major General Myam had stated that count one was brought under section 383(1) of the Criminal Code Act Cap c38 law of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and punishable under section 390 (7), adding that the charge was also brought pursuant to section 114 of the armed forces Act Cap A20 2004.

The panel explained that the prosecution counsels called 24 witnesses, while the defendant called two witnesses.

The sentence is subject to the ratification of the Nigerian Army council, as Mohammed will remain in the custody of the Army till then.

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